Different Parts Of Calculator:-

Inside a calculator, there are the following parts connected to each other these parts are:-


In Modern electronic calculators, there is a keyboard with buttons for digits and arithmetical operations; some even contain "0" and "00" buttons to make larger or smaller numbers easier to enter. Most basic calculators assign only one digit or operation on each button; however, in more specific calculators, a button can perform multi-function working with key combinations.

Display output

Calculators usually contain the liquid-crystal display (LCD) as output and display the no. and an operation performed on the calculator in place of historical light-emitting diode (LED) displays and vacuum fluorescent displays (VFD)

Related Article: What Is a Calculator? History Of Calculator.


After typing the no. when we press the operational keys like +,-, ×, ÷, etc., and presses another no. then the calculator store previous no. data in computer memory. Basic types of this store only one number at a time; more specific types can store many numbers represented in variables. The variables can also be used for constructing formulas. Some models can extend memory capacity to store more numbers; the extended memory address is termed an array index.

Power source

Power is supplied to the calculator with the help of batteries, solar cells, or mains electricity, turning on with a switch or button. Some models even have no turn-off button but they provide some way to put it off, Crank-powered calculators were also common in the early computer era.

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Key layout

Usual basic pocket calculator layout
MC     MR     M-     M+
C     ±      %     √
7     8     9     ÷
4     5     6     ×
1     2     3     −
0.     =     +
MC or CM                       Memory Clear
MR or RM                       Memory Recall
M-                                    Memory Subtraction
M+                                   Memory Addition

C or AC                            All Clear

CE                                    Clear (last) Entry; sometimes called CE/C: a first press clears the last    entry (CE), a second press clears all (C)

± or CHS                         Toggle positive/negative number aka CHange Sign

 %                                     Percent

÷                                       Division

×                                       Multiplication

–                                      Subtraction

+                                       Addition.
                                       Decimal point

√                                      Square root

=                                       Result

How Calculator Work:-

To do anything firstly we press the keys and when we press the key the following things will happen:-

When we press a key present in the form of hard plastic, the rubber membrane present below the key gets impressed. This is a kind of miniature trampoline that has a small rubber button positioned directly underneath each key and a hollow space underneath that. When you press a key, you squash flat the rubber button on the membrane directly underneath it.

Below the Rubber keyboard membrane, there presents a Photo keyboard membrane. When the rubber key membrane gets a compressed photo key membrane to give an idea of the scale. There's one rubber button directly beneath each key.

The rubber button pushes down making electrical contact between two layers of the keyboard sensor underneath and the keyboard circuit detects this.

The processor chip figures out which key you have pressed.

A circuit in the processor chip activates the appropriate segments on the display corresponding to the number you've pressed.
If you press more numbers, the processor chip will show them up on the display as well—and it will keep doing this until you press one of the operations keys (such as +, −, ×, ÷) to make it do something different. Suppose you press the + key. The calculator will store the number you just entered in a small memory called a register. Then it will wipe the display and wait for you to enter another number. As you enter this second number, the processor chip will display it digit-by-digit as before and store it in another register. Finally, when you hit the = key, the calculator will add the contents of the two registers together and display the result. There's a little more to it than that—and I'll go into a few more details down below.