Bachelor Of Public Administration ( B. P. A. ) :-
B. P. A. Stands for Bachelor Of Public Administration . B. P . A . Is an undergraduate bachelor degree in public administration which deals with the study of various theories of administration , public organization , public service and constitutional framework . B. P. A. setup a background for those aspirant who interested in pursuing careers in governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, management in hospitals or public health institution, consulting in private firms, school boards, and human resources. Careers in international agencies, urban or regional planning, city management, financial planning, public finance and public relations also at the local, state/provincial, national/federal and supranational levels, as well as in the nonprofit sector.Eligibility Critria :-
◆ For the admission in Bachelor Of Public Administration students should pass 10 + 2 examination with any stream through a recognized board .◆ Some Universities and Institutes comduct entrance examination before admission . So students would have to pass the entrance examination .
Entrance Examination Pattern :-
The entrance exam pattern varies with the institutes offering the course. Generally BA Public Administration Entrance Exam consists of questions of Objective type format. The test duration will be normally between One and a half hours to two hours. The test carries about hundred questions to analyze the candidates’ General awareness, English Language Usage and Current affairs.Subjects :-
Sem. I (Elements of Public Administration)
Public Administration: Evolution, Meaning, Nature, Scope, Significance and its relations with Political Science, Economics and Law; Public and Private Administration; New Public Administration; and New Public Management.
Organization: Meaning and Basis. Principles of Organization: Hierarchy, Span of Control, Coordination, Supervision and Control, Communication,
Decentralization and Delegation.
Forms of Organizations: Formal and Informal, Department, Board, Corporation and Commission and Independent Regulatory Commission.
Chief Executive: Meaning, Types and Role. Line, Staff and Auxiliary Agencies. Public Relations: Meaning, Means and Significance.
Sem. II (Basics of Public Administration)
There will one compulsory question in the UNIT-I and it will be Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) type and will be based on the syllabus prescribed in other four units (UNIT-II to UNIT-V) of the syllabus.Theories of Organization: Scientific Management Theory (F.W.Taylor), Classical (Henry Fayol, Luther Gulick, M.P. Follet, Mooney and Reiley.) and Bureaucratic (Max Weber).
Personnel Administration: Meaning; Nature and Significance. Elements of Personnel Administration: Recruitment, Training/ Capacity Building, Promotion,
Motivation and Morale.
Budget: Principles, Preparation and Enactment of Budget. Public Funds: Accounting and Auditing. Financial Control: Parliamentary (Parliament and its committees) and Executive Control.
Meaning and Significance of followings:
I. Administrative Law
II. Delegated Legislation
III. Administrative Tribunal
IV. Public Policy
Sem. III (Central Administration)
There will one compulsory question in the UNIT-I and it will be Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) type and will be based on the syllabus prescribed in other four units (UNIT-II to UNIT-V) of the syllabus.
British Legacies over Indian Administration. Features of Indian Administration. Role of Indian Administration in Socio-Economic Development. Fundamental Rights and Duties.
President: Election, Impeachment, Powers and Position. Prime Minister & Council of Ministers: Appointment, Powers and Role. Central Secretariat and Cabinet Secretariat: Organisation,
Role and Functions.
Ministry of Home Affairs: Organisation and Role, Ministry of Finance: Organisation and Functions, Finance Commission and Comptroller & Auditor General.
Civil Service in India: Role and Significance. Union Public Service Commission: Composition and Functions. Recruitment and Training of All India and Central Services.
British Legacies over Indian Administration. Features of Indian Administration. Role of Indian Administration in Socio-Economic Development. Fundamental Rights and Duties.
President: Election, Impeachment, Powers and Position. Prime Minister & Council of Ministers: Appointment, Powers and Role. Central Secretariat and Cabinet Secretariat: Organisation,
Role and Functions.
Ministry of Home Affairs: Organisation and Role, Ministry of Finance: Organisation and Functions, Finance Commission and Comptroller & Auditor General.
Civil Service in India: Role and Significance. Union Public Service Commission: Composition and Functions. Recruitment and Training of All India and Central Services.
Sem. IV (State and District Administration)
There will one compulsory question in the UNIT-I and it will be Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) type and will be based on the syllabus prescribed in other four units (UNIT-II to UNIT-V) of the syllabus.
Constitution Frame work of States in India, Governor: Appointment Powers & Functions. Chief Minister: Powers, Role and Position. Council of Ministers and State Legislature. Organisation and Structure of State Administration.
State Secretariat and Directorate: Organisation and Functions. Chief Secretary: Role and Position in State Administration. State Planning Department and Board. Divisional Commissioner: Powers,
Functions and Position.
District Administration: Evolution, Features and Functions. District Collector: Evolution, Appointment. Functions and Position.
Police Administration at District Level: Organisation and Functions. Role and Functions of Superintendent of Police. Other Functionaries and Sub-District Level: Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Block Development and Panchayat Officer, Tehsildar.
Constitution Frame work of States in India, Governor: Appointment Powers & Functions. Chief Minister: Powers, Role and Position. Council of Ministers and State Legislature. Organisation and Structure of State Administration.
State Secretariat and Directorate: Organisation and Functions. Chief Secretary: Role and Position in State Administration. State Planning Department and Board. Divisional Commissioner: Powers,
Functions and Position.
District Administration: Evolution, Features and Functions. District Collector: Evolution, Appointment. Functions and Position.
Police Administration at District Level: Organisation and Functions. Role and Functions of Superintendent of Police. Other Functionaries and Sub-District Level: Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Block Development and Panchayat Officer, Tehsildar.
Sem. V (Rural - Urban Administration-Option A)
There will one compulsory question in the UNIT-I and it will be Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) type and will be based on the syllabus prescribed in other four units (UNIT-II to UNIT-V) of the syllabus.Local Government: Evolution, Meaning, Features
and Significance. 73rd and 74th Constitution Amendment Acts.
Urban Local Bodies: Municipal Corporation, Municipal Council and Municipal Committees their Meaning Features, Role and Significance.
Panchayati Raj Institutions: Composition, Functions, Sources of Income of Gram Panchayats, Panchayat Samities and Zila Parishads. District Planning Committee: Composition, Functions and Significance, State Finance Commission, State Election Commission , Urban-Rural Relationship and Problems and Local Leadership.
Sem. VI (Development Administration-Option B)
There will one compulsory question in the UNIT-I and it will be Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) type and will be based on the syllabus prescribed in other four units (UNIT-II to UNIT-V) of the syllabus.
Meaning and Scope of Development Administration. Welfare State; Meaning and Objectives, Concepts of Welfare State and the Directive Principles of State Policy.
Organisation of Planning Agencies: Planning Commission, National Development Council, State Planning Board and Department, Preparation of Five Years Plans.
Social Welfare Administration in India: Institutional Framework and Programmes of Centre and State Governments for the Welfare of Scheduled Castes,
Women and Children.
Agriculture Development Problems and causes for the Backwardness of Agriculture development. Programme and aims of the Centre and State Government for agriculture development.Meaning and Scope of Development Administration. Welfare State; Meaning and Objectives, Concepts of Welfare State and the Directive Principles of State Policy.
Organisation of Planning Agencies: Planning Commission, National Development Council, State Planning Board and Department, Preparation of Five Years Plans.
Social Welfare Administration in India: Institutional Framework and Programmes of Centre and State Governments for the Welfare of Scheduled Castes,
Women and Children.
Bachelor Of Public Administration Curriculum :-
- Organizational Behavior
- Administrative Theory
- Indian Administration
- Human Resource Management
- Development Administration
- Organization and Public Administration
- Personal Administration
- Ethics in Public Administration
- Research Methods
- Decentralization, Governance and Development
- Financial Administration
- Public Administration
- Public Policy
- Management
- Comparative Public Administration
- Human Rights and Administration
- Poverty and Development Strategies
- Population Studies
- Public Infrastructure Planning and Management
- Policy Making and Analysis
- Social Science
- Development Theory
- Macroeconomics
Jobs :-
Bachelor Of Public Administration course provide various types of jobs . After completion of Bachelor Of Public Administration course students have opportunities to setup their career by choosing any job profile provided below :-
- Adinistrative Officer
- Consultant
- Social Worker
- Corporate Manager
- Management Analyst
- Teacher
- Labour Management Relations Specialist
- Personnel Management Specialist
- Employment Areas
- Bureaucracy
- Panchayati Raj
- Economic Development
- Indian Civil Services
- Fire and Emergency Services
- Land Revenue System (Public Administration)
- Municipal Bodies
- Secretariat
- Education
- Corporate Management
- Police Department
- Public Works
- Tribal Administration
Some Another Important Courses :-
The whole career of a student depend upon the course chosen by the student . So it is very important to chose a best and perfect course for career . Below we provided the list of some important courses please read details about following courses and chose best and perfect course for you and your career :-
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Foreign Language Course Details , Eligibility Critria ,Courses And Jobs .Best wishes to you as you progress from one stage in life to another. While this can be a difficult time, the results that you will achieve are worth all of the hard work that you will put in!
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