Previously in an older version, WhatsApp has always used iOS' emoji designs and fonts in all of its apps. Whether you're on iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Blackberry, Symbian, or desktop, you would see the same emojis independent of your device's built-in emojis. But Now in the latest WHATSAPP v2.17.364 version, WhatsApp introduced a new set of emojis that are it's very own. The new emojis update firstly noticed by Emojipedia. According to a post on Emojipedia, As Google's Gboard gets Bitmoji and Apple's iPhone X turns user facial expressions into their own custom emojis, the Facebook-owned WhatsApp seems to be playing it slow-releasing it's own.
Whatsapp did not any large changes in the new set of its own emojis. A new set of emojis is looking almost similar to older emojis. The WhatsApp made little changes in older emojis. So that WhatsApp can say these are WhatsApp's own emojis. But WhatsApp's new emojis are more cartoonish than older emojis. The new change made by WhatsApp in emojis is like the water pistol has turned orange, the ghost emoji no longer has lopsided eyes and the frying egg is now double-yolked, etc.
WhatsApp Related techniques?
If you use an Apple device, you'll probably continue to see the same emoji. But if you're on an Android, you'll see the new ones eventually. To use Apple's set, WhatsApp may have had to pay a licensing fee. Samsung users see their own emoji, and Google makes another set for stock Android users. if you've been used to WhatsApp's current set of emoji, don't worry, the new changes are fairly slight.
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