During an event , Sundar Pichai ( C.E.O. of Google ) shared his experience and journey to become C.E.O. of Google . Sundar Pic hai also provide aw best career advice and guidance for every students on his speech . The speech given by Sundar Pichai is as explained below :-

One of the great things about India is it's tremendous interest in education, people talk about it all the time . Most parents aspire for their children. Do I think it's great foundation we have as a country. In my experience going growing up here , I think there is lot of emphasis on spending time on the books and learning things academically . I think there is a lot of pressure to follow set lanes throughout your career.

When you are on your high school , you are thinking about college . A lot time when I was younger , people say this person did not get into this college or something that's the end of the road . Life is so different . I get surprised people start preparing for IIT in their 8th grade , that's a bit shocking bro me . I get very surprised people come to IIT'S and immediately they start thinking about IIMs and so on. In the US for example, most students does not choose their majors till final year. So people explore different things and find what they are passionate about. The way I dealt with these things was try and feel what I really enjoyed doing an pursue that .

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I would like to do what feels something like you like spending time on . I would use that as a yardstick and not feel the pressure to do what others are telling you to do . I have always wanted to work on computing , to build computing products. The thing which still keeps me going is the desire to build products which will be used by millions of users and makes a difference for them . That is what I have been focused on . It doesn't even need to be an engineering . There are many different ways . You will see this later in life that people do well from all walks of life .

I think education needs to evolve and change just like with everything else . Getting into an  institution doesn't guarantee success . It matter a lot but it doesn't guarantee success . It would like to see people value creativity , value experience of doing things , taking risks. It is important to be well rounded. I had encourage people to take some risks, follow their passions a little bit more and enjoy what you're doing and what matters most is loving what you are doing trying to do well at it . So I think if you follow your heart and do what you like you'll always do much better worth while taking risks and trying to do something you are really excited by.

At the first attempt you don't do it and on the way you can try again and things tend to workout in the longer run. If you work on  really difficult things. You are better off because you have no competition , others are not working on that difficult a problem. Even if you fail on few times , I think that is a natural part of the process setbacks actually don't matter . In silicon valley , so many people started up a company even having failed , you can wear it like a badge of honour .

I think it's important to culturally risk is rewarded I think it is important to keep your hopes, keep your dreams and try to follow them . Most of how life play out is up to you and not up to what happens outside of you and I think it is important to kee that in mind and take the long term view . At some point in your life,  you have to work with people where you feel a bit insecure because it means you're working with people who are better than you and who are pushing you . If you actually feel very secure in what you do means you are doing something comfortable for you and you are pushing yourself .

There are many - many times I felt working with people in a group , am I doing enough. These people seems much better than me and I think it's an inherent part of learning . As a leader , I think it's really important to build organization where people actually work together and trusting them to do right thing. As a leader it's less about trying to be successful and more about to make those people successful . I am absolutely with full certainity convinced that India will be a global player in the digital economy and it will be competitive with any country in the world.