According to the notification, for the exam, the RRB Admit Card will be released as Group C only 4 days before the examination. That is, the candidates who will be examined on 17th September, their admit cards will be issued on 13th September.
To practice, the mock link will be released on September 10. By clicking on this link, you will be able to see how the RRB Group CBT test will be. How can you answer questions on the computer?
Candidates will have to bring at least 40% marks to qualify for the CBT exam. These Qualifying Marks have been kept for OBC 30 per cent, 30 per cent for SC and 25 per cent for ST.
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Duration of the examination will be 90 minutes i.e., one and a half hours. For the brightest candidates, this examination will be of 120 minutes. In this examination 100 questions will be asked. Candidates should keep in mind that this examination also has negative marking. On three incorrect answers, a point will be deducted. The second most important thing is that candidates will have to take their actual identity card. Because the photocopied identity card will not be valid.
This examination will only qualify. Based on the recipients, the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will shortlist candidates and send them to the next stage PET (Physical Skills Examination).
How To Check Examination Centre And Date
You will be able to check your examination center and dateStep 1- To check the candidate go to the website of his RRB (which has applied for RRB).
Step 2- On the link to "Examination City and Date Information" or "Login Link for Exam City and Date Intimation" (CEN no. 02/2018 for various posts in Level 1 of 7th CPC) given there Click.
Step 3- Log in by entering the requested details (User ID and Date of Birth). Your examination date, center and shift information will be revealed to you.
Things To Keep In Mind
Students must keep these things in mind before examination :-1. Do not forget to take the Admit Card :- Before learning for the examination. You will be given admission in the examination center after seeing the admittance card.
2. Identity card :- At times your identity card is also seen at the Exam Center. In this case, before leaving the examination, keep your identity card too. This can be your voting letter, driving license, Aadhar card.
3. Do not carry mobile phones :- At the Exam Center . The use of mobile phones at the examination centers is prohibited.
4. Time to leave from home :- Before going to the examination center, take special care of the fact that leave home from time to time. So that you can reach the examination center from time to time.
5. Avoid trafficked roots :- Avoid catching traffic routes to move from home to the examination center. Try also to arrive at the examination center shortly before.
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