After completing education everyone wishes to get the best job for that suits their qualification and where they can expect their best future. But to get the best job you have to face interviews. Interviewing never seems to get any easier. With each job interview, you have to meet the interviewer and you need to prepare yourself as in accordance with the job, promoting your self and your competencies so that you can nail the interview and get selected for the job. You have to show your skills, what you know or don't know. And, you need to stay upbeat and enthusiastic through all of it. This may be challenging, particularly when you're interviewing for a job you would really like to get employed for.

Ultimately, the key to the effective interview is to build confidence, to remain positive and to share the workplace skills and examples of your qualifications for the job. With some preparation, you'll be capable of nail the interview and showcase the experience that makes you a suitable candidate for the company's next new employee.

Here are some process interview guidelines that allow you to interview correctly. Proper guidance will assist alleviate a number of the pressure involved in job interviews and improve you for a superb and successful interview.


What can you do to set yourself apart in your interview?

The most important aspect of successful interviewing is not your experience, your degree or your resume. That’s what got you the interview.

The key to successful interviewing can be summed up in one word?


It’s your passion for the job that will set you apart from the crowd.


Though your enthusiasm for the job and behavioral examples of how your passion has had a positive impact on results.

If you can show me, in your words, actions and past behaviors, that you have true passion toward achieving excellence, you can and will be chosen to own the superstar. Let your passion for the job show through in every aspect interview.


Another key element to successful interviewing is your attitude.

Attitude is everything

If you‘want to rise above others With better experience, better grades, or befiter anything, you Will need to work on developing a highly positive work attitude.

The way most employers differentiate at entry level is by a candidate's attitude and passion toward the job.

Your attitude and passion are what recruiters remember. When the dust has settled after they have reviewed ten, twenty, or even one hundred candldates— you were the one Who was sincerely Willing to put forth your very best effort.

You can show your winning attitude in the way you present yourself. Incorporate the actual words ‘positive attitude, ‘passion for excellence’ and ‘striving to be my best’ into your interview language.

If you can show me, by words and examples, you can do’ attitude, it is you I Will Hire.


ARRIVE 15 MINUTES EARLY - Late attendance is never excusable.

MAKE YOUR HELLO EFFECT IMPRESSIVE - Remember that the first impression is long lasting for the interviewing board.

CLARIFY QUESTIONS - Be sure you answered the questions the employer really asked.

GIVE YOUR QUALIFICATIONS - Stress the accomplishments that are most pertinent to the job.

ANTICIPATE TOUGH QUESTIONS - Prepare in advance so you can turn apparent weaknesses into strengths.

CONDUCT YOURSELF PROFESSIONALLY - Be aware of what your body language ls saving. Smile and make eye contact, don’t slouch and maintain composure.

DRESS APPROPRIATELY. Make your first impression a professional one.

LISTEN This is probably the most important "do" of all. By concentrating not only on the employer's words but also on the tone of voice and body language, you will be able to pick up on the employer's styles.


- Do not lack self-confidence or appear shaky.
- Poor communication skills are an absolute put off.
- Body language must not reflect negatively.
- Do not lack the relevant subject knowledge There is a difference between self-confidence and over-confidence.
- Do not hide background and family history.
- Do not have inadequate knowledge about the company and the industry in which you have applied for employment.
- Do not be improperly dressed or display lacks a sense of hygiene.
- If the interview board is harsh, do not lose cool during the interview.
- Do not reply unfocussed and out of context.


- Mental fear of the unknown is often What produces the physical symptoms of nervousness. In addition to preparing yourself physically, you need to prepare yourself mentally.

- The best way to prepare mentally is to know What may be coming.

- Fear of the unknown can only exist when there is an unknown.

Effective Speaking Techniques

Be clear and organized:

- Answer 5 X W5 and H, the speech will automatically turn out to be clear and effective.
- Clarity is the very life of all speech and writing.
- No listener/reader likes to be caught up in a Jumble of confused thinking.
- Mental training and logical thinking that come from all good education.
- Especially in the world of business, clarity of thought is the greatest case.
- All powerful speakers religiously suck me the principle - 'Be clear'.

Be Simple

- From the clarity of thought emerges simplicity.
- Simpler the language, the greater is the appeal.
- A really effective speaker is the one who can explain the most difficult or complex matter in the simplest language to a layman.
- No audience likes to listen to the jargon. They can be patient only with the simplest language.

Furnish Concrete Details

- Many speakers spoil their speeches by talking in abstractions.
- Make speech vivid by famishing details and actual experiences to capture the attention of the audience.
- Such attention to speech makes it 'full of life‘ which is the literal meaning of the word ‘vivid'.
- Make his speech lively and brilliant with eye-catching details, humorous anecdotes, relevant examples and enthusiastic eye-to-eye contact with the audience.

Cultivation eyeonIess Grace and Naturalness

- "Many things - smiling, going to sleep or behaving unaffectedly are done worst when we try hardest to do them".
- A cultured person moves and speaks with grace and sounds natural.
- When face-to-face with a large, selected audience, it is quite natural to be conscious, perhaps over conscious, and, for the moment, to find it difficult to be natural.
- Devise own ways to look, move and speak with grace.
- Practicing to speak in front of a mirror.
- Find a popular anchor/ personality and emulate his/her style.

Enrich Mental Equipment

- Be a learned /well-informed person.

- As the old Greek proverb says, "Out of nothing, nothing comes”. So, we must remember that for every occasion, and for every kind of speech, the best armament is a well-stocked mind—a mind stocked/equipped with all kinds of information/facts/ figures / general awareness/readings in literature and philosophy, current affairs, economic and political developments, new advancements in science and technology, emergence of new business organizations and so on.

- Having the right kind of information for the right/moment.

Be Brief

- Excessive Information does not mean that one can go on rambling or going into unnecessary details.
- A quantity of information and quality of speech.
- All that Is superfluous must be cut out In order to make the speech concise.
- Every word we speak is valuable, and there are no words to waste.
- Be informal; Informality creates nearness.
- The occasion may be formal but the speaker must strive to give h speech a personal touch.
- Establish rapport with the audience. — Create an impression that will last.

Be Enthusiastic

- Making an effective speech is not just a matter of doing a duty performing a ritual.
- One has to get into the spirit of the occasion with enthusiasm and keen interest.
- No one likes to listen to a dull or monotonous speaker. But an enthusiastic speaker gets an immediate response.

- Enthusiasm is contagious.

Mind Non-Verbal Language

- Effective use of gestures is a necessary component of a speech whether prepared or impromptu. Eye contact ls Indispensable.
- Anybody aspiring to be a good speaker, also, keeps training himself in voice modulation, use of proper word stress and gestures.

Facts And Figures Are Not Enough

- If facts and figures had been enough there would have been no speeches.
- Anybody can have access to facts and figures.
- They can just be circulated or blandly stated.
- They are just like a skeleton. It is the imaginative and effective use of language in a speech/writing that breathes life into that skeleton and supplies it with flesh and blood.
- Many great entrepreneurs, Chairpersons, statesmen and scholars are known for their oratory that stem from their command over the language.

Control Emotions but make an Emotional Speech

- What comes from the heart goes to the heart. Every human being is full of emotions. But an effective speaker cannot afford to be carried away by his own emotions.

- On the other hand, while exercising poise and maintaining composure, he can stir up his audience to action. His job is not just to inform but also to convince and influence his audience. That is how many speeches become memorable

Share Significant Experiences/Expertise With Audience

- This will not only give a personal touch m the speech but also confidence to the speaker and comfort to the listeners with the Audience.
- It will make the audience feel Important to the speaker.