We will take there the scorching Sun and ... pour one gallon of extremely cold liquid nitrogen on it! How will these two substances interact with radically different temperatures? And what consequences await humanity as a result of such a “hot” experiment?
After all, nitrogen –either 1 gallon or 100 gallons – won’t even reach the Sun.
Star Temperatures are 5,505 ° C, or 9,940 ° F. Such heat is simply unbearable for liquid nitrogen – it will expand to a gaseous state and evaporate in space. But we aren’t going to give up so easily, right? In the end, we gathered here for the spectacle – and we get it! But how to fix the problem and make the nitrogen touch the sun? Maybe immediately send a cold element deeper?
For example, in the solar core! We know that at high temperatures, liquid nitrogen turns into a gas.
But if already at the beginning of the experiment this element will be in the core, we will definitely have time to see its interaction with the Sun. After all, to break out, nitrogen gas will need to fly through the entire atmosphere of the hot Star. And this, as many as three layers: the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the solar corona. That is, our chances of seeing at least some reaction between the Sun and nitrogen increase greatly! But before continuing, you should know all the risks of such an event. After all, scientists believe that the experiment with nitrogen in the solar core can destroy the entire solar system – including us, the inhabitants of the planet Earth.
There is irony in the fact that nitrogen can provoke the death of all life. After all, this element is often used in extinguishing fires. Not all, of course, but only those that arise in enclosed spaces — for example, in mines. Nitrogen, unlike oxygen, doesn’t support combustion and at the same time extinguishes the fire more accurately than water. It "keeps" intact everything that is in the fire zone. It would seem that for this feature element deserved some cool nickname, perhaps, “Captain Nitrogen”. But scientists – and in particular the French chemist Antoine Lavoisier – for the very low temperature of nitrogen in the liquid state called it simply: "Azote" which means "lifeless." If Lavoisier would know what tricks this “Azote” is capable of, being in the core of the Sun would take his words back! But in order for the experiment to become really interesting, it’s important not to be greedy and use a lot of nitrogen. After all, one gallon of “Azote” element for the spectacle is likely to be small. In addition, the sun deserves a catalyst of more magnitude.
For example, with a mass equal to the total mass of all the planets of the solar system. Or even more! Let's make our nitrogen heavier than several Jupiter masses. After all, this is the heaviest of all the planets of our system, almost 318 times heavier than the Earth. And don’t worry! Such an amount of nitrogen is not very expensive. After all, this element has as much as 78% of the air in the total number of gases in its composition. But even if our reserves aren’t enough, you can always borrow from Uranus or Neptune.
What is really worth worrying about is what happens when so much nitrogen lands in the very hot heat of the Sun?
Scientists are convinced that such an experiment could be the last in the history of mankind. After all, the temperature of the solar core is 15 million K. Because of this heat, liquid nitrogen won’t just turn into gas, but expand at least 700 times! The pressure inside the sun will be tremendous! A little more – and the Star will burst into thousands of fragments!
Probably ... After all, according to scientists, the forces of gravity still keep her from the explosion. But now nothing can save life on Earth. And that's why. The sun is almost 80% hydrogen. Together with nitrogen, it forms explosive ammonia. Because of this, the temperature of thermonuclear reactions inside the Sun will increase. Add to this the energy that nitrogen will release when it’s converted to gas — and we get a phenomenon that resembles the burning of meteors in the Earth’s atmosphere. We will not see this storm right away. And only eight minutes after the nitrogen is in the center of the sun. It is exactly what the light needs to overcome the distance from the Sun to the Earth. Through these 480 seconds on our planet, the radiation of heat and light, as well as radiation, will intensify. You will have to forget about day walks because the air temperature will reach 50 ° C, or 122 ° F. But even if you don’t go beyond your bedroom, it is likely that your skin and eyesight will suffer from radiation.
All this will be accompanied by melting glaciers and deadly hurricanes with snow, which will easily demolish light buildings and trees. Hurricane snow will be replaced by warm showers and thunderstorms. Tropical vegetation will have no chance of survival, and along with it, millions of people who are doomed to starvation will die.
Moreover, due to the increase in temperature, water evaporation will also increase. Relief will bring only thick clouds – they will reduce the flow of solar radiation. But the joy will be short-lived – steam-saturated air will be difficult for breathing and deadly for people with weak lungs and heart. In such conditions, only single-celled creatures, some marine inhabitants and primitive plants can survive. But don’t think that this hot experiment will bring destruction only to humanity. The sun due to fusion will increase in mass and will shine stronger. And this will greatly shorten the life of the Star itself. Yeah! We really went much further than the scientists from Brookhaven with their quark-gluon plasma. But the difference between our experiments is that the fantasy about nitrogen inside the solar core is simply unrealizable! First of all, our imaginary “nitrogen carrier” will burn on the way to the hot Star. None of the materials available to people wouldn’t be able to withstand its temperature.
That is, we simply can’t deliver nitrogen to the sun. But even if we assume that such material will be found, flying to the center of the solar system will still remain a problem. After all, the correct orientation of the rocket will bring down a strong light pressure. In addition, the distance to the Sun is about three distances to Mars. This means that the rocket will have to spend 55 times more energy than to fly to the “red planet”. And as you can imagine, humanity doesn’t have such capacities. Not yet.
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