Very few infants appear to be getting sick with the new coronavirus. Infants aged 1 to 11 months old are less vulnerable to the disease. Possibly because their lungs do not yet express certain receptors that are the target of the virus; permitting its entrance into lung cells.
The infection poses a greater risk to people who are older than 60 years. This is due to the age-related weakening of their immune system and increased inflammation that could enhance viral replication.
One study showed that patients who have diabetes or coronary heart disease are more likely to die due to COVID-19 infection.
Another study showed that while 14-day quarantine recommendation is 'reasonable'. 1% will develop symptoms after release from the 14 days quarantine which explains why some recovered cases test positive for the virus later on.
Doctors found that some recovered patients may have reduced lung function. The lung capacity was reduced by 20% to 30% in up to 3 patients. They are left gasping for air if they walk quickly.
A controversial study claimed that the coronavirus mutated into two strains. The two strains were named type "L" and type "S".
The "L" type is a new strain and it is more aggressive than the "S" type. People with mild symptoms are likely to be infected with the "S" type. While people with the "L" type. 70% of the infections are aggressive and are caused by the "L" type. The expert dismissed this claim because it could be the result of an error in data analysis. If the virus continues to mutate, all efforts to make a vaccine will go in vain.
According to another study, placing Wuhan under lockdown in late January helped delay the spread of COVID-19 infections by nearly 80%. The study encouraged behavioral changes and public health interventions such as early detection, isolation, and regular hand washing.
Another study claimed that high temperature and high humidity may reduce the transmission of COVID-19 indicating that "the arrival of summer and rainy season in the northern hemisphere" could "effectively reduce the transmission of the COVID-19"
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