What Is Excess?
At present, researchers have not claimed that they have detected dark matter. But they have got some such signs which cannot be explained. There can be many reasons behind them. When any type of observation shows more events than expected, scientists give it the name of Excess. Such excesses studied from a statistical perspective and it is ascertained that there was a definite possibility of such results in the new physics and whether it was due to any omission, the reason could not be clear yet.It May Be Solar Axion
The scientists involved in the experiment of XENON 1T observed results which they did not expect. They have not yet understood the source of this event. Nevertheless, in this case, they say that it is possible that it is a sign of the presence of a new particle, which is called Solar Axion.Three Possibilities About It
The press release, issued by scientists explains that this excess seems to suggest that it may be some amount of tritium that is a hydrogen-containing one proton and two neutrons, it can also be caused by neutrinos, but it may be even more interesting, such as the signs of existence of new particle "Solar Axion".Where This Experiment Has Done?
About 150 scientists were involved in this XENON 1T experiment, who are working for a research project on dark matter. This experiment was being carried out in the ground-based research facility of the INFIN Laboratory in Italy. This project includes several experiments aimed at studying the Weekly Interactive Massive Particle (WIMP). In this experiment, a particle had to collide with the nucleus of the Xenon molecule, with which signals of light were to be generated and electrons of the xenon molecule were to be released from it.How This Experiment Has Done?
The Xenon 1T detector works on the same principle and it is the detector of the Xenon 100 (Xenon 100) and Xenon 10 (Xenon 10) series. In this experiment, Xenon 1T was filled with 3.2 tons of ultra-pure liquid Xenon, out of which two tons of Xenon used for particle interaction. Most of these interactions should have taken place with known particles.
Some scientists say that by studying the energy spectrums observed in the excess experiment, it has been found that they are similar to axions produced in the sun.
About Axions, scientists say that the Sun can be their biggest source. They are not categorized as dark matter. But they have not yet been seen or observed. This will be the first case of this kind, if proved. This can have a great effect on physics and astronomy which can also be helpful to understand the basic principles of physics. Apart from this, there is also a belief that these excesses can also occur due to the presence of tritium in the Xenon 1T detector. So according to another belief, it can also be caused by neutrinos.
What Surprised The Scientists?
After this, scientists speculated about how many events should happen in the background. But after the experiment, they were surprised to observe that they expected 232 events but 53 more events occurred in the experiment. Due to these additional events i.e. Excesses, the question arose, how they happened and what was the source of these excesses?Some scientists say that by studying the energy spectrums observed in the excess experiment, it has been found that they are similar to axions produced in the sun.
About Axions, scientists say that the Sun can be their biggest source. They are not categorized as dark matter. But they have not yet been seen or observed. This will be the first case of this kind, if proved. This can have a great effect on physics and astronomy which can also be helpful to understand the basic principles of physics. Apart from this, there is also a belief that these excesses can also occur due to the presence of tritium in the Xenon 1T detector. So according to another belief, it can also be caused by neutrinos.
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