Heartbeat Of Black Hole
Actually, the way the heartbeats, in the same way energy waves are coming out of this black hole at regular intervals. Until the year 2011, scientists observed these energy waves continuously. After this, the circumstances kept getting worse. The satellite hardware with which this black hole was being monitored could not detect the black hole due to the interference of the sun. Signals coming from the black hole stopped and space scientists had to wait for seven years. Subsequently, new techniques were developed to monitor the black hole.Blackhole Eats Everything Around It
The most interesting thing is that the black hole is still there and is 'beating' at regular intervals. It is said about the black hole that it eats everything possesses around it. Even the black hole absorbs the rays of light inside. Scientists say that even after this, the black hole releases energy into space. It is believed that most of the black hole is surrounded by an object known as the disc. It is dust, gas, and huge pieces of a planet. It is a common identification of a black hole, but it is very unusual in itself that energy waves are coming out from it continuously and at a fixed interval.You Might Also Like: Scientists Determined That Titan Is Drifting Away From Saturn Hundred Times Faster Than Their Estimation
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