Name Of The City That Will Be Developed On Mars
Many powerful countries of the world are searching for evidence of life on Mars. Doing research on habitable environment. In such a situation, the head of ABIBOO Studios and SONET, a scientific think tank organization and astrophysicist Guillem Anglada, has said that the megacity will be developed on Mars named as NUWA. About 2.50 lakh people will be able to live here. It will be built on a cliff on a mountain of Mars. This city will meet its energy needs itself. The think tank told where the city would be built on Mars.
Where The NÜWA city will be developed on mars?
Guillem Anglada said that Megacity NUWA will be built on the Tempe Mensa Cliff of Mars. This cliff is 3000 feet long. That is nearly equal to one kilometer. This cliff was selected by the international organization "The Mars Society" in 2020. Because this place is measurable. It will be easy to settle the city here. The amount of light and darkness is also found here in accordance with human life.
Who Prepared The Design Of NÜWA City?
The founder and chief architect of ABIBOO Alfredo Munoz and his team have prepared the design of the city according to the shape of Tempe Mensa Cliff. The digital map of the city NUWA is extremely beautiful and state-of-the-art. It has urban parks. There are hydroponic gardens.
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The team of ABIBOO believes that the construction of the city on Mars will begin in the year 2054. By the year 2100, humans will be able to go to Mars and settle down. That is, the first batch of humans will arrive in 2100 for the purpose of living on Mars. According to the study report of the think tank, five cities will be settled around NUWA here. NUWA will be their capital.
Name Of Other Cities That Will Be Settled On Mars
2 to 2.5 lakh people will be able to live in Mars Megacity NUWA. The think tank said that Abalos City will be settled to the north of Mars. Which will remove ice from the North Pole of Mars and use it to work for the construction of other essential things like water. At the same time, the city of Marineris will be built in the largest valley of Mars, Valles Marineris.
Difficulties To Be Face To Settle The City On Mars spoke to Alfredo Munoz. Alfredo said that the city of NUWA would be like fulfilling a fantasy. Because there will be a wonderful combination of science and engineering. Because to build a habitable house for humans, in which they can remove the oxygen mask and breathe peacefully. It will take a lot of technology and hard work to build such houses and supply oxygen. Before that it is also a difficult task to deliver the necessary instruments and equipment to prepare the structure to Mars.
Alfredo told that despite all these difficulties, I sincerely hope that by the year 2054, the construction of the city on Mars will start. From the year 2100, the first batch of humans will go and start living there. ABIBOO Studios and SONet together have prepared a map of this city. When they proposed this city in front of "The Mars Society" and explained its design and technology, they were surprised.
Read Also: SpaceX Will Send Two Stainless Steel Starships To Mars On 2020Alfredo told that we had to devise a different strategy to settle the city on Mars than on Earth. Because there was weather, gravity, the effect of solar storm, the earthquake on Mars, all these things had to be taken care of. The biggest focus was on the power of gravity. Because on this the whole work depends. You cannot easily float in space.
NUWA is designed by the world's finest scientists. This design shows the strength, beauty and technique of this city. Also be able to tell how many buildings will be built. How many people will live in it? This is a difficult task in itself. But we did it. We told how many people can live in this city in proportion to the place. On this basis, we said that 2 to 2.5 lakh people can live comfortably in NUWA city.
Why The City Named As NÜWA?
Alfredo explains why he named the NUWA. The word Nuva is derived from the mythological stories of China. It has the name of a goddess who creates and preserves the universe. This Goddess also keeps humans away from evil deeds. So when we were talking to the team of SONet, only then this name was suggested. Because deities like NUWA are found in the mythology of every country. The deity is the same but his description is different.
Most of the people in our team are from Europe and America. Despite this, most people are of Asian culture. They also liked this name very much. They told how all people connect with this name. Because it is the name of the deity who creates it. We wanted the name to be such that the whole world would like it.
How The City Will Construct?
Alfredo told that we will not have to take cement or mortar from the earth to settle the city. We will use only soil and stones found on Mars. For this, first we have to do tests on Mars and setup the technology. Because we cannot take all these things from the ground. That will be very expensive. We cannot break any mountain like this. We must first examine what is inside it. Is it strong? Will it last for years or not?
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