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IRNSS Satellite, How IRNSS Work? Advantages Of IRNSS Satellite .
Just after losing the link with GSAT 6A communication satellite ISRO'S team was trying to find GSAT 6A in space and working on establishing the link with GSAT 6A again. But it was seeming a difficult task to find the GSAT 6A satellite in space. But finally by their effort and with the help of tracking systems and other sources ISRO's team got the exact location of GSAT 6A communication satellite.
The news of finding the exact location of GSAT 6A satellite confirmed by Dr. K Sivan, the Chairman of ISRO. Dr. K Sivan said, "With the help of the satellite tracking system and other sources, finally we figured out where GSAT 6A satellite is in the space. Earlier, we were searching in the space. After figuring out the location of GSAT 6A our team keeping a close watch on its movement round the clock.Now we have hope that at a particular orientation, it will capture the signal from the ground station and communication will be restored. Currently, GSAT-6A is moving in geo-transfer orbit at perigee right of around 26,000km and apogee of about 33,000km.”
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The reason for losing contact with GSAT 6A communication satellite may be the loss of power or glitch in the heat shield opening. Now the solar panels are deployed. As the satellite get the power through solar panel and due to the deployment of solar panel satellite get power so the link with GSAT 6A satellite can establish again.
As ISRO planning to launch the IRNSS - 1 also on 12 April 2018, Thursday. So ISRO organized the two teams working simultaneously one is working on establishing a link with GSAT 6A satellite and another team is working on preparation for launching the IRNSS - 1 navigation satellite. In order to avoid the power failure, the improvement made on power system of IRNSS - 1 like new safety mechanism used in IRNSS-1 to avoid power failure of IRNSS - 1 satellite hence the powers system of IRNSS - 1 is completely different in comparison with GSAT 6A satellite
In order to avoid the heat shield glitch again, Dr. Sivan, the chairman of Indan Space Research Organisation ( ISRO ) said, “The glitch in the heat shield opening has been sorted out. The successful launch of a Cartosat-2 series satellite in January this year and GSAT-6A on 29 March 2018, Thursday showed the improved system for the heat shield opening mechanism is working fine.”
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