SSC conducted the SSC CHSL Tier - I 2018 examination which is an online mode examination known as Computer Based Test ( CBT ) from 04 March 2018 to 28 March 2018. The candidates who will clear the Tier I examination would be called for the Tier II examination which is scheduled for July 8, 2018. There are a total of 3,259 vacancies available and the pay scale will range from Rs 5,200 to 20,200. Those aspirants who applied for the CHSL attempt the examination conducted by SSC . After attempting the CHSL Tier - 1 examination aspirants were waiting for their result and curious about to know that how they performed in the examination. Aspirants were also curious about to find how much they scored in the examination. To do so aspirants require the answer key. Now the SSC has released the answer key of SSC CHSL Tier - 1 2018 on the official website of SSC, aspirants can check and download their answer key from the website.
How To Calculate Total Marks
By downloading the answer key aspirants can predict about their result before the official announcement of official result from SSC. In the answer key, the question paper as you attempt during the examination given in both language English as well as Hindi ( except English section ) and the correct answer as well as candidate's answer will be given. The aspirants can calculate their total score as follows:-◆ Candidates can compare their answer with the correct answer and figure out their answer is right or wrong. If candidate's answer match with correct answer then their answer will be correct and if their answer does not match with correct answer then their answer is wrong.
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◆ After figuring out the right and wrong answer to questions attempt by the aspirant in the examination. The aspirant has to note down the total number of right answers and the total number of the wrong answers.
◆ As there is negative marking for the marks calculation , aspirant will get two marks for each right answer and 0.5 marks will be deducted if aspirant's answer is wrong. After note down the total number of right and a total number of wrong answers. Multiply the total number of the right answer by two and multiply the total number of wrong answers by 0.5.
◆ Now note down the result obtained by multiplying the total number of wrong answers by 0.5 and subtract it from the result obtained by multiplying the total number of right answers by two.
i.e. 2( Total Number Of Right Answers ) - 0.5( Total Number Of Wrong Answers )
While calculating your marks if you found any error or wrong answer on the official SSC CHSL Tier - I 2018 answer key uploaded by SSC then you can challenge the official SSC CHSL Tier - I 2018 answer key for that error or wrong answer. You can challenge the answer key until April 23, 2018, before 6 pm. The challenge can be submitted online. For submitting the online challenge for the answer key you must pay a fee of Rs. 100.
Steps To Download SSC CHSL Tier - I 2018 Answer Key
● First, type the official website of SSC ( ) in the search bar of your browser or click on the link given below -
SSC CHSL Answer Key 2018
● Now find the answer key option provided on page display on your device. Then select CHSL Answer key.
● A page will appear on your device with prompt of login. Now fill your Roll No. , Password and Date of examination and click on login.
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● Finally, you got answer key. You can also download and save it as pdf for future reference.
We hope this article will be helpful for you to download the SSC CHSL Tier - I 2018 Answer Key. For more updates related to Govt. jobs and Career stay in touch with us or sign up for latest updates we will keep you posted on further updates.
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